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Growing SMARTer

Welcome to the Growing SMARTer blog. A place where you can learn more about interactive whiteboard technology as well as general audio visual solutions for the classroom. My goal is to help you and your school to grow SMARTer by sharing tools, examples and hacks to promote the 4 I's. Interactive, Involve, Inform and Inspire. Enjoy the ride as we start Growing SMARTer.

Friday, May 27, 2005

A Teacher Shares His IWB Experience

John Pearce teaches at Bellaire Primary School in Geelong, Victoria. He has put together a web log to share his experience of introducing and using a SMART Board interactive whiteboard in his class room.

Hi blog is called
Mr P's SMART Board, I'd encourage you to visit his blog and leave comments.

John has another blog called
Simply Science, it's a great resource and example for primary school teachers who are looking to introduce more science into their classroom.

At Mr P's SMART Board blog I found a great website that provides a bunch of
"Virtual Manipulatives" for mathematics. You can read John's post on how he uses the exercises with his class.

Over the next couple of weeks, I'll create some example SMART Notebook files from ideas at the
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. Keep an eye out for them.

Have a SMARTer day,


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